This is the compelling story of the illegal raid and seizure of Our Animal Haus animal sanctuary that happened in October of 2009. This story is complete with photos and links to official documents.
Read on....
Your Miranda Rights-Show Me the Law
"Quis custodiet ipsos
(translated: Who watches the watchmen?) Related Reading: Fourth Amendment |
Know your Constitution
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You have
the Right to Be Silent
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Practical tips about interacting with police officers in California,
with ''dos'' and ''don'ts'' sections about being stopped for
questioning, stopped in your car, and being arrested or taken to a
police station.Great Importance 05/21/2010 Click Here |
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Rights ~ You Have the Right to Be Silent
Update 06/07/2010>>But, Unfortunately, do to a recent Supreme Court Decision, you Now must speak up to be Silent... Go Figure??? X X
Self-Incrimination ~ Right
to Know the Nature of the Investigation ~
Warrantless Search~
Cases ~
What is "in loco parentis"?
"You have
the Right to remain silent, anything you say,
can and
will be used against you in a court of law.
You have the
Right to speak to an attorney and to
have an
attorney present during any questioning.
If you
cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you....."
I'm sure most of you have heard this
sort of Miranda Warning in TV shows sometime in the last 40+ years since
the original Miranda case was handed down by the Supreme Court. What
the Miranda case did in 1966 was set guidelines for when a suspect must
be told of their right to remain silent and their right to an attorney.
Most people don't realize that Miranda
only comes into play when a suspect in a criminal case has been taken
into custody or arrested. If you are being investigated by police or CPS
officials for any reason, no one is going to read you your Miranda
rights from the beginning, but that doesn't mean you can't invoke them.
At its most basic level, Miranda is to
protect you from self-incrimination. Where does this protection or right
come from? The U.S. Constitution, the basis for all our laws. If you
haven't read it lately, you need to. Go here for a free PDF file you can
No person shall be held
to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a
presentment or indictment of a Grand jury. . . nor shall any person be
subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or
limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness
against himself; nor be deprived of life, liberty or property, without
due process of law. U.S. Const.
Amend. V
Fourteenth Amendment provides, in part: "....nor shall any state
deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of
law." U.S. Const. Amend. XIV.
Let's get this clear. If you are
being questioned by officials of any type, you have a Constitutional
Right not to shoot your mouth off to them and spill your guts about
everything you know (or even don't know) to be reinterpreted by them,
which may or may not land you in jail with criminal charges
How can you take back any statements
once they've been uttered? Remember the WWII slogan, "Loose Lips Sink
Ships"? It certainly applies here. CPS doesn't have to get a guilty
verdict in a court of law to devastate your family and your children.
They can just put you in the hot seat, try you in the court of public
opinion and watch your life unravel like pulling a loose string on a
hand-knit sweater. They don't have to hit a bull's eye for the
collateral damage to take its toll. You may even never be charged
criminally and could still wind up loosing custody and your parental
rights terminated. You still loose your children and the State wins --
gloating all the way to the bank.
There is also no law for you to help
them prove or win any case they might be trying to build against you or
a loved one. In fact, you have the Right against self incrimination
according to the
5th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
Case workers or investigators will go
on "fishing expeditions" for information that may or may not be related
to an incident that suddenly gets blown all out of proportion. Do not
give them fodder to chew on. They are not your minister, priest, or
rabbi; they are also not your parent, counselor, or friend. They have
their own agendas in the course of an investigation and it does not
include looking out for your Constitutional Rights. In fact, they will
try their best to threaten, intimidate, and cajole you into telling them
what they want to hear, regardless of your Rights.
Their goal in the course of their
investigation is to find you guilty - of something, ANYTHING, because
then it justifies their existence. The more people that are found
guilty, the more money that flows into the coffers of whatever
department you have, per chance, come across.
Asserting your innocence does no good,
because everyone is guilty of something if you dig long enough. They may
not be able to pin a murder charge on you because there's no body
(evidence), but what about jaywalking, littering, or spitting on the
sidewalk? Well, you must have done the crime, right? Otherwise you
wouldn't have been charged in the first place by this nice official who
has all the "right" credentials. It becomes a case of "he said/she
said". When you're dealing with a stacked deck, who wins? The person who
owns the deck!
The authorities are all familiar with
each other. They see each other on a regular basis. They conduct their
business together all the time. In fact their very jobs are dependent
upon money being brought in. Courtrooms are full of citizens being
brought in by various governmental departments. Police, sheriff,
code enforcement, dog catcher, you name it. And all these governmental
players have friends in the courthouse since they are there so often.
They are all playing on the same team folks!
They want you to play with them with their own stacked deck,
but they don’t tell you that it’s stacked. This is why we have
constitutionally guaranteed Rights to help you deal with the "stacked
deck." This is even if you didn't know the deck was stacked in the
first place! If you don't assert your Rights, it is as good as if you
didn't have any. If you don't know what your Rights are, how are you
going to let them protect you? If you willingly talk with
investigators, you are giving up Rights that protect you. At this point,
you have waived them and you have consented to abandon your Rights. Why
should you? Why do you want to help them "win" their case? Why do you
want to give them ammo for their gun? They want you to play with them
with their own stacked deck, but they don't tell you it's stacked.
It's probably because you don't remember
your high school civics class, how to be a good citizen by knowing and
asserting your Rights to better balance the power between yourself and
the authorities. You have also been watching too many brain numbing
shows in which the suspect willingly gives up their Right to remain
silent before they talk with their attorney. Monkey see, monkey do! You
have to stop that right now.
Now is the time to install the proper "software" in your
hardware (your brain) on how to deal with contacts with the authorities.
Watch these videos to help you remember:
"The government's
interest in the welfare of children embraces not only protecting
children from physical abuse, but also protecting children's interest in
the privacy and dignity of their homes and in the lawfully exercised
authority of their parents."
Calabretta v. Floyd, 189 F.3d 808 (1999).
Remember, learning about and knowing your Rights and
respectfully asserting them during encounters is no guarantee that your
Rights won't be violated. But, it does help diffuse a situation before
it becomes all blown out of proportion, with reason and logic having
gone out the window - for both sides.
The key is to be respectful. Even if the other side isn't
doing the same to you, be kind in your replies to them. Do this if it
takes every ounce of willpower you can muster. It puts them off guard.
It also lets the investigator know that you are not just some hick that
fell of the turnip truck yesterday, and they cannot run roughshod over
you willy-nilly. Besides, you do have your tape recorder or video camera
running, right? (Don't think about posting to You Tube just yet -
better talk it over with your legal counsel.)
You want to make sure that you not only have a cool demeanor
in dealing with these people, but that you look like the one who is the
innocent party in this whole situation, and that you have your act
together! You can wig out, scream, cry, or whatever, in the safety and
comforts of your own bedroom after these guys are gone. Do not let
them see you are intimidated or cowed by their behavior. But, neither
do you want to come off cocky or like a smart aleck. If there is any
time to be calm, cool and collected, this is that time.
Before You or Your Children Are
Keeping Children and Families Safe Act of 2003
(CAPTA, Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act) Summary~Full Text
This Act has two provisions to help
protect children and families during child abuse investigations. First,
it requires CPS workers to be trained in their duty to protect the
statutory and constitutional rights of the very people they are
investigating. Secondly, CPS workers are to tell people involved in an
abuse or neglect investigation what the complaint or allegation is that
has been made.
Once upon a time when the King was on
his throne, his agents went from house-to-house looking for printed
papers, and "prohibited and uncustomed" goods. These items either had
been smuggled in to avoid the high tax, or were claimed by the King to
promote seditious libel and civil unrest. The Colonists grew tired of
these "writs of assistance", general warrants, that made no man's home
his castle. They were viewed as unreasonable by the early Patriots.
Because of these issues, the Founding Fathers wanted boundaries to the
"blank check" warrants that had been common. From these circumstances,
Fourth Amendment was birthed.
"The right of the
people to be secure in their persons, house, papers and effects, against
unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no
Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause supported by Oath or
affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and
the persons or things to be seized. U.S. Const. Amend. IV."
Since the penning of those great words, many years ago, there
have been many court rulings that have defined and refined the limits of
search and seizure. The key is the "reasonableness" test.
"A "search" occurs when
an expectation of privacy that society is prepared to consider
reasonable is infringed. Jacobsen, 466 U.S. at 113; State v.
Daly, 14 Kan.App.2d 310, Syl. ¶ 5, 789 P.2d 1203, rev. denied
246 Kan. 769 (1990)"
"A "seizure" (of
property) occurs when there is some meaningful interference with an
individual's possessory interests in that property. Jacobsen, 466
U.S. at 113; Brooks v. Sauceda, 85 F.Supp.2d 1115"
I know many social workers and others
believe there is an exemption of the warrant requirement in child abuse
investigations. But, the Ninth Circuit Court has ruled in
Calabretta v. Floyd that as a general rule, unreasonable searches
and seizures are banned and it presumes that all warrantless searches
are unreasonable. The only exemptions for not getting a warrant (aside
from voluntarily agreeing to a search) during the course of an
investigation for child abuse are twofold:
That the
social worker has in his or her possession evidence that would establish probable cause, and
There are
exigent circumstances (meaning there is an emergency) threatening the
health or welfare of the child.
Please print up the following page which
details "Why Warrantless Entries Into Homes Are Generally
Unconstitutional" and add it to your law notebook.
A Warrant is a court order specifically
describing the person, place or thing to be seized or searched.
How Do They Get a Warrant?
A governmental official applies to the court to try to obtain
permission for them to invade your privacy to obtain information that
may be useful to them in convicting someone -- probably yourself, or
someone you know, of a crime. In the application, they have to be
specific about their allegations, i.e. "We have been told by (friend,
relative, school teacher, etc) that John Doe's (house, property, car,
person, computer, etc) contains evidence that he (knows about,
participated in, personally committed) the crime of (name your favorite
They have to show the court "probable cause" which is a good
reason for assuming that a crime has been committed, and that you or the
person in question did it. The facts that are known must be sworn to, or
attested, that they are true to the best of the beliefs of the person
making the application.
Anonymous tips, by themselves, cannot be the basis of a
warrant, since you have no means of testifying to their veracity.
However, if you have an anonymous tip that corroborates the other
information that has been gathered from other known sources, you can use
it. But again, not all on its own.
“[A]n anonymous tip,
without more, does not constitute probable cause.” See United States v.
Wright, 215 F.3d 1020, 1025 (9th Cir. 2000) (citing, inter alia,
Illinois v. Gates, 462 U.S. 213, 227 (1983)). For an anonymous tip to be
accorded any weight there must be some basis that the tip is true.
United States v. Luong, 470 F.3d 898, 903 (9th Cir. 2006)."
“Frankly, it is
difficult to conceive how a social worker, whose work is directly
governed by state law and regulation, could claim to have a reasonable
belief that a warrantless removal that is expressly prohibited by state
law and regulation is somehow permitted by the Constitution.” Moodian
v. County of Alameda Social Services Agency 206 F.Supp.2d 1030,
*1035 (N.D.Cal., 2002
See also H.R. v.
State Department of Human Resources, 612 So. 2d 477 (Ala. Ct. App.
1992); and Calabretta v. Floyd, 189 F.3d 808 (1999); North
Hudson DYFS v. Koehler Family, Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate
Division (2001); Moodian v. County of Alameda Social Services Agency
206 F.Supp.2d 1030, *1035 (N.D.Cal., 2002
Doe v. Carla Heck, a 7th Circuit Court of Appeals 2003 decision
where a social worker entered a private school to interview a certain
11-year-old child in an attempt to find out about corporal punishment he
and other students may have had and other "certain family matters".
(This is the fishing expedition, folks!)
On a later occasion, the social worker tried to interview
other students, but was denied access to the children without a court
order or parental consent. The social worker later had to close the
investigation for lack of information and the parents of the 11-year-old
child sued for violations of their Rights under the 4th and 14th
The social worker(s) "went to the school for the specific purpose of
gathering information, an activity that most certainly constitutes a
search under the Fourth Amendment,” and that "under the traditional
approach, the term 'search' is said to imply 'some exploratory
investigation or an invasion and quest, a looking for or seeking
out.’” The court found that the 11-year-old child "had been 'seized'”
within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment because no reasonable child
would have believed that he was free to leave..." citing Brokaw, 235 F3d
at 1010 "holding that the defendants action of taking a child into
custody, without the consent of his parents, for the purpose of
questioning him about allegations of child neglect was a seizure under
Fourth Amendment".
Did you get that? The court has ruled
that gathering information is an activity that constitutes a search
under the 4th Amendment. A fishing expedition is a search, and as such,
you are protected by your Constitutional Rights, unless you waive them.
This ruling above, however, does give
the authorities a loophole, as it restricts these fishing expeditions on
PRIVATE property, i.e. a private home, private school, etc. A PUBLIC
school does not have these protections. Why? When you drop your
child(ren) off at the schoolhouse door, you are then giving the public
school authority to act in your stead via something called "in
loco parentis" which is Latin for "in place of the parents."
(Related term:
Parens Patriae which is Latin for
"father of the people")
When the public school exercises their
version of in loco parentis, they substitute their judgment for
yours. Remember, they are government officials that you place in charge
of your children for approximately 180 days a year. They will do what
they deem best for your child while you are not there, including letting
other governmental personnel have access to your child. You remember
that the public school is a governmental institution, don't you?
''...[S]chool officials
act as representatives of the State, not merely as surrogates for the
parents.''469 U.S. 336 (1984)
You give this same authority to a
private school, but with a few differences.
A public school has public monies at its
disposal. They don't have to please you, as they feel they are the only
legitimate source of education there is, even if it isn't. They don't
want the parents to have the freedom to choose, because when we do, we
often don't choose the public version of school.
Another good case to note is
Heartland Academy
Community Church, et al, vs. Michael Waddle, decided May 11, 2004 in
the United States District Court, Eastern District of Missouri, Northern
“In the context of
removing a child from his home and family, a seizure is reasonable if it
is pursuant to a court order, if it is supported by probable cause, or
if it is justified by exigent circumstances, meaning that state officers
‘“have reason to believe that life or limb is in immediate jeopardy.’”
Brokaw, 235 F.3d at 1010 (quoting Tenenbaum v. Williams, 193 F.3d 581,
605 (2d Cir. 1999) (citation omitted)). The same standard for
reasonableness applies when a child is seized from a private school
where she has been placed by her parents. See Doe, 327 F.3d at 512
(holding “[i]n our view, there is no basis for concluding that when a
minor child is entrusted to the care of a private school in loco
parentis his reasonable expectation of privacy, vis-Ã -vis government
officials, differs in any material respect from that which he would
otherwise expect to receive at home.”).
Michael C. v.
Gresbach, another 7th Circuit Court of Appeals decision, this time
from 2008, mirrors the Doe v. Heck case above. From the Liberty Counsel
"Seventh Circuit Court
of Appeals has ruled in favor of two Wisconsin children who were
strip-searched by a state social worker at a private Christian school.
In Michael C. v. Gresbach, the appeals court panel unanimously
ruled that the social worker, Dana Gresbach, violated the Fourth
Amendment rights of the children to be free from an unreasonable search.
"The court stated that
"it is a violation of a child’s constitutional rights to conduct a
search of a child at a private school without a warrant or probable
cause, consent, or exigent circumstances." The court held the social
worker personally responsible for violating the students’ rights,
because the law in this area is so clear that she should have known her
actions were unconstitutional. Although the school principal allowed the
social worker to interview the students, the social worker never even
mentioned that she intended to require the children to remove their
clothing. In addition, the social worker refused to allow the principal
to contact the parents before the interview or to be present when she
forced the children to strip.
"Stephen Crampton, Vice
President of Legal Affairs and General Counsel for Liberty Counsel,
commented: "Decades ago, the United States Supreme Court emphatically
ruled that the child is not the mere creature of the state.
Unfortunately, social workers repeatedly ignore that fact and routinely
trample parents' rights under the guise of protecting the children. This
ruling sends the message that the Constitution is still in effect
protecting law-abiding families from the overreaching arm of the state,
both in the home and in private schools."
In Arizona on Sept 27,
2007, in the case
Loudermilk v. Arpaio, a Federal Court ruled that an unsupported
threat to place children in custody was unconstitutional because the
fear tactics the social workers and sheriff's deputies used violated the
constitutional guarantee of family privacy and integrity.
“Defendants persisted
in their threats to remove the children if Plaintiff Parents did not
consent to the search, stating that [they] could arrest or handcuff the
Parents in front of the children. Based on the allegations set forth in
the Amended Complaint, viewed in Plaintiff’s favor, no reasonable
official would have believed that his or her conduct was authorized by
state or constitutional law.”
The judge additionally cites:
"The principle that
government officials cannot coerce entry into people’s houses without a
search warrant or applicability of an established exception to the
requirement of a search warrant is so well established that any
reasonable officer would know it.” Calabretta, 189 F.3d at 813.
Similarly, “[t]he constitutional right of parents and children to live
together without government interference is well established.” Mabe, 237
F.3d at 1107 (citing
Santosky v. Kramer, 455 U.S. 745, 753 (1982))."
“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance. And people who mean
to be their own governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge
gives. A popular government without popular information or the means of
acquiring it is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps
both.” James Madison, letter to W.T. Barry (August 4, 1822), reprinted
“The people of this state do not yield their sovereignty to
the agencies that serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do
not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the
people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist
on remaining informed so that they may maintain control over the
instruments that they have created.” Washington Public Records Act, RCW
Unless courts are
prepared to enforce these rights and protect those charged with crime,
irrespective of their obvious guilt, they condone illegitimate and
unconstitutional practices which, if long adhered to, may result in a
breakdown of the protection accorded free men by the Fourth and Fifth
Amendments.[fn3] This course, like the enforcement of other parts of the
Bill of Rights, may often afford a shelter for criminals, "But the
forefathers thought this was not too great a price to pay for that
decent privacy of home, papers and effects which is indispensable to
individual dignity and self respect. They may have overvalued privacy,
but I am not disposed to set their command at naught."[fn4] BROCK v.
UNITED STATES, 223 F.2d 681 (5th
Cir. 1955).
So what do you do if the "authorities" come knocking at your
door? First of all, why answer the door if you don't know who it is?
There's no law that says you are obligated to answer every knock on the
door (or every time the phone rings!). But, if someone tries to catch
you unawares, perhaps on your way from the house to the car to go
someplace, how should you respond? Perhaps your encounter could go a bit
like this:
Social worker comes up
to you and says, "Hi, I'm Sarah Snake with the Division of Family
Services. I'd like to ask you and your children a few questions about a
complaint we've had. I'm required by law to come into your home to
investigate." She hands you her business card and has her photo id
clipped to the lanyard around her neck.
You are about to reach
for the door to go inside to put your groceries away. Your children have
already scurried inside. Close the front door and stand outside your
house. (You don't want her to follow you into the house like a little
puppy without permission, and they will try.) You turn to the SW and
say, "Oh, what is the nature of the complaint?" (You have a right to
know this before you answer any of their questions.)
Sarah Snake sneakily
says, "We've had an anonymous hotline complaint and I can't reveal more
information until I've conducted my investigation."
You politely reply,
"I'm sorry, but I'm sure my attorney is going to ask what the
investigation is about. He's also instructed us not to allow you into
our house without a search warrant. May I see yours please?" (Be
reaching for your cell phone to call your attorney.)
A bit miffed that you
aren't cowing to her every whim and desire, Sarah Snake snips back, "I
can get one in a matter of minutes. What are you trying to hide,
Nicely as you can, you
muster a smile even though you feel as if you've just been slapped in
the face or worse yet, sucker punched in the gut. However, you also know
that she can't get a warrant without support of imminent physical danger
and probable cause, and an anonymous complaint can't be the basis of a
search warrant.
"I understand your
concerns, Ms. Snake. I'm sure you've had training in upholding the
Constitutional Rights of citizens in the course of carrying out your
job, haven't you Ms. Snake? I'm sure you're just as concerned as we are
about the gradual usurpations of these Rights, aren't you Ms. Snake?
It's because of this, Ms. Snake, that I must tell you we need a search
warrant before any further investigation. I'm sure you understand. Have
a nice day, Ms. Snake."
At this point, you enter your home and
close the door securely behind you.
Some Helpful Sentences to Learn
For Encounters With Authorities:
"What seems to be the
problem officer?"
"May I see your warrant?"
"I do not consent to a
search, officer."
"I understand your
concerns and I'm happy to cooperate. May I see your search warrant
"I do want to cooperate;
however, I do not want to ignore proper established procedure."
"Why would you want to
circumvent clearly established laws and procedures?"
"I am happy to do all that
is asked of me by the court. Do you have a court order for the things
you are asking?
The three most important things for you
to do after you politely inform someone you wish to stand on your
Constitutional Rights (objecting to a warrantless search, right to
remain silent, etc.) are:
1. Be quiet
2. Shut up and
3. Don't say anything
And then as soon as possible, talk with
your legal counsel. Get a notepad and pen and write up the sequence of
events while it's still fresh in your mind. Do not give a copy to any
investigators, only to your attorney.
Finally, read, read, and read as if Your
Life depends on it. You have been thrust into a situation that you were
not expecting for the most part, but you can't give up. You have been
thrown into shark-infested waters and you must learn to swim, and swim
Please let us know if you have a
question we can help you with. We're not attorneys, we're just like you,
people that were once in the same midst of a sink or swim, do or die,
circumstance. We made it through, and so can you. Hang tough.
The following information, in this
section, is provided by
Home School Legal Defense Association. The first is an image of
information that you can place on your front door, for example. You can
download this image (searchwarrantreqd.gif)
and make it what ever size necessary.
These references are files for download
Dog Tags for Your Children
Copyright © NFPCAR May 2008 Idea Description (Originally Posted 5/2/08 on IdeaBlog)I am the CA. Director for NFPCAR (National Foster Parent Coalition for Allegation Reform) & we are a non profit online support group for families who have been falsely attacked by CPS or the Juvenile Justice System. Our support group is developing "Miranda Dog Tags" as a "safe-guard" for children that will protect them from being forced to talk to "strangers" who try to interview them without the parents present. On one side of the tag would have personal contact information and the other side would have a brief "Miranda" statement for the child to use when needed. These Dog Tags can be worn by any child and presented when cornered by strangers. Directions for proper use will be included.This idea is meant for ALL parents...children...biological, foster, adoptive or kinship care. We at NFPCAR totally AGREE that the common enemy is CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES...(CPS) and we ALL need to stand together in this fight. As soon as we can get these "dog tags" manufactured and on the market they will be offered to "anyone"...not just foster families. Anyone who is interested in joining together in this fight for justice please feel free to join our NFPCAR group by going to...the bottom of this page...and signing up. Our support group is FREE to anyone who wants to join and we are open to any and all parents, grandparents and kinship caretakers. Please help us achieve our goal to help protect our children and families from the enemy...Goliath...(i.e. CPS and the Juvenile Justice System). I can be reached at the NFPCAR group site or at Thanks for your support, Nancee CA Director, NFPCAR
Please check back soon for an
example of the Miranda Dog Tag.
Dear Government Agent: I am exercising my Constitutional right to remain silent. Please do not coerce me into answering your questions. Please call my parents and/or attorney immediately. BACK: List Parents Names and ALL contact phone numbers. List any other person that can "stand in" until parent can be reached. List your family attorney and number
All ideas and
development of the Miranda Dog Tags for Children is Copyrighted © by
the NFPCAR Organization.
Any duplication of this material is forbidden-May 2008 Copyright © NFPCAR May 2008
Okay, I found a site from AFRA (American Family
Rights Association) with a three panel pamphlet, that may be a
little over the top. But who is to say we can't print it and hand it
out? The way you print it out is a little rough, so I created a file
called Miranda.pdf. So click on this link and print away.
However, if you wand to start at the beginning
and read a little more from AFRA, click here:
I keep seeing too many
posts that say their Schools don't accept Miranda. I just
read something on the AFRA site that said there was a higher court
decision that says the Schools don't need to read rights unless the
police say so. However, I found nothing that says a Parent can't
inform the school that no one can not question your child
without you and/or your lawyer present.
Good Responses When Being
Research from a member of our Foster Parent Allegations Group
Hello everyone,
When police arrived the ex-husband, (having heard
the sirens), left in haste. When police arrived, an officer approached
me and asked what was going on. I replied, "I can't say". He repeated
his request, claiming he was investigating a report of domestic
violence. Again I repeated, "I can't say". "Why can't you
say?", questioned the officer. Because under my Constitutional Rights
and the application of Miranda, I choose to exercise my right to remain
silent.I came across something that I thought might be helpful for those of you in current investigations and any future investigations. This is an excerpt from a letter written by Carolyn Middleton, who is a paralegal and has a group called THE COMMITTEE. She has a very specific response that she gives even when being questioned as a "witness".
The officer became quite angry
with me and said, "That only applies to your right not to give witness
against yourself", to which I responded, "I am a paralegal and this is
my client. As such I cannop give testimony against her either. The
officer became even more angry with me and threatened to arrest me. I
drew my hands out in front of me and said, "Let's go!" The next second
the officer attempting to interrogate me, left me alone and started
in on my client, who told him everything about what her ex-husband had
done, and the fact that she had a restraining order against him. The
officer came back to me and asked me to verify what my client had said.
I simply shrugged my shoulders and said, "I can't say". The officer
turned away from me and told his partner, in an angry tone, "I'm done
with this one!"
When being questioned, her primary response is "I can't say." When the officer asks her "Why can't you say?", her response is "Because under my Constitutional Rights and the application of Miranda, I choose to exercise my right to remain silent." I believe that this is very important for all of us to memorize and burn into our brains. You generally will not be advised/reminded of your miranda rights when being questioned in a CPS investigation. You also will not generally be advised/reminded of your miranda rights when being questioned as a "witness". Many times, police will just say they are questioning you as a "witness", but will in fact be questioning you as a "potential suspect". They are legally allowed to lie to you and can tell you that someone has already confessed, so you need to hurry up and confess and try to make a deal before the other person. They can tell you that they have evidence to prove you did it, even when they have nothing. defines "Reasonable Deception" as "A legal
doctrine that says police may lie to suspects during interogations so
long as an innocent person would not be affected. For example, the
police could say that they had found a bloody fingerprint when they had
not. The innocent person would know that they were lying, but the guilty
would not be sure. A very effective technique, and one of the main
reasons why defense lawyers exist." Notice
that it says they may lie during interrogations "so long as an innocent
person would not be affected". How many of us on this group can testify
from experience that their deception has indeed affected an innocent
I also found the following links and thought I would share them as well. Hope they help some of you with what you're going through right now.
1. Officer Truthfulness: Relevant Case LawHaney v. City of Los Angeles, 109 Cal. App. 4th 1 (2003).Ziegler v. City of South Pasadena, 73 Cal.App.4th 391 (1999). Brogan v. United States, 118 S. Ct. 805 (1998). LaChance v. Erickson, 118 S. Ct. 753 (1998). Ackerman v. State Personnel Board, 145 Cal. App. 3d 395 (1983). Gee v. California State Personnel Board, 5 Cal. App. 3d 713 (1970). Brady v. Maryland, 83 S. Ct. 1194 (1963). Legal Terms and explanations of those terms, including Mens Rea, deliberate negligence, culpable negligence, malice, conspiracy, etc. (for filing charges/lawsuits against CPS & law enforcement maybe?) Comments from ContributorThis article was originally posted on the American Bar Association website but I couldn't find the original link, so I had to copy and paste it from my saved web pages. There's also two more interesting links called "How the System Works" and "Truth in Justice" posted at the bottom of this article. I'm not sure if the links at the bottom of this article will work for you (I was able to connect to them from my saved webpage), so here they are as well: and .Truth in Justice has this to say on their website: "Truth in Justice is an educational non-profit organized to educate the public regarding the vulnerabilities in the U. S. criminal justice system that make the criminal conviction of wholly innocent persons possible.""When we say "wholly innocent," we mean a person who had absolutely no part in the crime charged. An innocent person is deprived of life, liberty and the opportunity to contribute to society, while the guilty party is free to commit more crimes against unsuspecting victims. In many instances, no crime was committed in the first place -- a suicide is charged as homicide, or an accidental fire is mistaken for arson. How does this happen? Faulty eye witness identification, tunnel vision investigators, over zealous prosecutors, bad science, compromised experts and a politicized judiciary are major factors, along with a credulous public."
"Why should you be concerned about wrongful
conviction? The cases here make the answer clear: it can happen to
anyone, including you. What can you do? Educate yourself. Ask
questions. Think. Stop rewarding malfeasance. It starts with just one
person. It starts with YOU."
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