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Links to other websites which examine & clarify the goals, philosophies, and monumental differences between ANIMAL WELFARE and ANIMAL RIGHTS organizations
Do you donate money to animal charities? This page is designed as an educational tool so that you will know whether or not the group you choose to endorse/join/support/contribute to holds the same beliefs, agenda and goals that you do.
Each group or organization is a little bit different, but most fall under one of the following two categories:
Goals Purpose Mission Group Classifications and links (many more to follow) |
end all human "exploitation" of animals - this includes, but is not limited to, raising and slaughtering of livestock for human or animal consumption, eating meat, hunting, using animals for any medical or veterinary research, zoos (regardless of how well managed), circuses, rodeos, horseshows, dogshows, animals performing in TV commercials, shows or movies (regardless of how well treated any of the above are), guide-dogs for the blind, police dogs, search & rescue dogs, and the practice of owning pets. PETA (People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals) HSUS (Humane Society Of The United States) ***************************************** Several of PETA's latest exploits have been their campaign to speak to children at McDonald's restaurants and to hand them literature designed to frighten them from drinking milk. In Vermont, PETA representatives coerced Vermont elementary school teachers to take down posters in classrooms bearing the slogan "Got MILK?" and threatened school officials with legal action if they did not comply. The governor of the state ordered that the dairy posters be put back up and promised to allot special moneys for a fund for legal defense against any future actions of the radical animal rights group. In Canada an Animal Rights group nearly put a company out of business that manufactures nutritional "sports snack bars." Claiming that the company had been guilty of cruel animal testing, they laced the bars with poison, necessitating a nationwide recall. Dogs and humans alike had been subjected to cold temperatures to test how well the nutritious snacks helped them to maintain body heat. None of the test subjects were subjected to conditions that in any way endangered their health or caused extreme discomfort. Last year, PETA made a financial donation to the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), a shadowy organization that the FBI has labeled "the largest and most active U.S.-based terror group." Since 1996, ELF and its sister group, the Animal Liberation Front, have caused more than $43 million in property damage resulting from over 600 attacks including arson, assault and property destruction on a massive scale. source: The Center for Consumer Freedom "I openly hope that it comes here." Ingrid Newkirk, PETA Co-Founder, on her desire for a USA hoof-and-mouth epidemic. Quotation from: "Hoping for Disease: PETA Hopes Foot-And-Mouth Strikes in the United States by Alan Elsner, Reuters, Norfolk VA 4/2/01 "It would be great if all the fast-food outlets, slaughterhouses, these laboratories and the banks who fund them exploded tomorrow... Hallelujah to the people who are willing to do it." Quote from Bruce Friedrich, PETA Spokesperson at the "Animal Rights 2001" convention. 2002 - PETA's tax exempt status is currently under scrutiny by the IRS, due to their history of criminal activity ****************************** They Speak For Themselves The following are quotes from PETA's own materials: "We are not especially 'interested in' animals. Neither of us had ever been inordinately fond of dogs, cats, or horses in the way that many people are. We didn't 'love' animals." --Peter Singer, Animal Liberation: A New Ethic for Our Treatment of Animals, 2nd ed. (New York Review of Books, 1990),Preface, p. ii.
"Pet ownership is an absolutely
abysmal situation brought about by human manipulation." -- Ingrid Newkirk, national director, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA), Just Like Us? Toward a Nation of Animal Rights" (symposium), Harper's, August 1988, p. 50. "The cat, like the dog, must disappear ... We should cut the domestic cat free from our dominance by neutering, neutering, and more neutering, until our pathetic version of the cat ceases to exist." --John Bryant, Fettered Kingdoms: An Examination of A Changing Ethic (Washington, DC: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA), 1982), p. 15. "Arson, property destruction, burglary and theft are 'acceptable crimes' when used for the animal cause." -Alex Pacheco, Director, PeTA "...the animal rights movement is not concerned about species extinction. An elephant is no more or less important than a cow, just as a dolphin is no more important than a tuna...(In fact, many animal rights advocates would argue that it is better for the chimpanzee to become extinct than to be exploited continually in laboratories, zoos and circuses." (Barbara Biel, The Animals' Agenda, Vol 15 #3. Torturing a human being is almost always wrong, but it is not absolutely wrong." --Peter Singer, as quoted in Josephine Donovan, "Animal Rights and Feminist Theory, " Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Winter 1990, p. 357. "As long as humans have rights and nonhumans do not, as is the case in the welfarist (animal welfare) framework, then nonhumans will virtually always lose when their interests conflict with human interests. Thus welfare reforms, by their very nature, can only serve to retard the pace at which animal rights goals are achieved." (Francione & Regan, "A Movement's Means Create Its Ends," Animals' Agenda, Jan.-Feb., 1992). "To those people who say, `My father is alive because of animal experimentation,' I say `Yeah, well, good for you. This dog died so your father could live.' Sorry, but I am just not behind that kind of trade off." - Bill Maher, PeTA celebrity spokesman
(It bears
noting here that
MYTH 2.15: "Animal rights groups
shouldadvances in human medicine arrived at through animal research, usually carry an equivalent benefit to veterinary medicine - ASPCA and other Animal Welfare groups monitor conditions in laboratories and support legislation for humane conditions, but do not call for an end to laboratory research on animals--- webmaster's observation) "If the death of one rat cured all diseases, it wouldn't make any difference to me." --Chris DeRose, director, Last Chance for Animals, as quoted in Elizabeth Venant and David Treadwell, "Biting Back," Los Angeles Times, April 12, 1990, p. E12. "Even if animal tests produced a cure [for AIDS], 'we'd be against it.'" --Ingrid Newkirk, national director, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA), as quoted in Fred Barnes, "Politics," Vogue, September 1989, p. 542. "If it [abolition of animal research] means there are some things we cannot learn, then so be it. We have no basic right not to be harmed by those natural diseases we are heir to." --Tom Regan, as quoted in David T. Hardy, "America's New Extremists: What You Need to Know About the Animal Rights Movement." (Washington, DC: Washington Legal Foundation, 1990), p. 8. "Even granting that we [humans] face greater harm than laboratory animals presently endure if ... research on these animals is stopped, the animal rights view will not be satisfied with anything less than total abolition." (Tom Regan, The Case for Animal Rights, 1983). "If my father had a heart attack, it would give me no solace at all to know his treatment was first tried on a dog," Ingrid Newkirk, national director for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, (PeTA), Washington Post, Nov. 13, 1983. "Not only are the philosophies of animal rights and animal welfare separated by irreconcilable differences... the enactment of animal welfare measures actually impedes the achievement of animal rights... Welfare reforms, by their very nature, can only serve to retard the pace at which animal rights goals are achieved." --Gary Francione and Tom Regan, "A Movement's Means Create Its Ends," The Animals' Agenda, January/February 1992, pp. 40-42. "I'm an insulin-dependent diabetic. Twice a day I take synthetically manufactured insulin that still contains some animal products--and I have no qualms about it." Sweetland adds, "I don't see myself as a hypocrite. I need my life to fight for the rights of animals." -Mary Beth Sweetland, PETA "Liberating our language by eliminating the word 'pet' is the first step...In an ideal society where all exploitation and oppression has been eliminated, it will be NJARA's policy to oppose the keeping of animals as 'pets.'" --New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance, "Should Dogs Be Kept As Pets? NO!" Good Dog! February 1991, p. 20. "Let us allow the dog to disappear from our brick and concrete jungles--from our firesides, from the leather nooses and chains by which we enslave it." --John Bryant, Fettered Kingdoms: An Examination of A Changing Ethic (Washington, DC: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA), 1982), p. 15. "[A]s the surplus of cats and dogs {artificially engineered by centuries of forced breeding) declined, eventually companion animals would be phased out, and we would return to a more symbiotic relationship--enjoyment at a distance." --Ingrid Newkirk, "Just Like Us? Toward a Notion of Animal Rights" (symposium), Harper's, August 1988, p. 50. ********************************************** FAQ (about the Animal Rights Movement) ANIMAL RIGHTS MYTHS by Kevin O'Donnell be supported by animal lovers." In fact AR groups such as PETA have many extreme proposals that pet-lovers in particular should be shocked by: "Pet ownership is an abysmal situation brought about by human manipulation" (Ingrid Newkirk, PETA founder Washingtonian Aug. 1986) "In the end I think it would be lovely if we stopped this whole notion of pets altogether" (Ingrid Newkirk Newsday, Feb. 21 1988) "One day we would like an end to pet shops and breeding animals [Dogs] would pursue their natural lives in the wild" (Ingrid Newkirk, Chicago Daily Herald Mar 1, 1990) "Eventually companion animals will be phased out...." (Ingrid Newkirk, "Just Like Us? Toward a Notion of Animal Right" (symposium), Harper's, August 1988) "Let us allow the dog to disappear from our brick and concrete jungles- from our firesides, from the leather nooses and chains by which we enslave it." (John Bryant, _Fettered Kingdoms: An Examination of A Changing Ethic_ (Washington D C, PeTA, 1982). p. 15) "The cat, like the dog, must disappear..... We should cut the domestic cat free from our dominance by neutering, neutering, and more neutering, until our pathetic version of the cat ceases to exist." (John Bryant, _Fettered Kingdoms: An Examination of a Changing Ethic_ (Washington, D.C.: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, 1982), p.15) From the above, it is clear that pet-lovers have a great deal to fear from the AR movement. People who describe themselves as supporters of 'animal rights' are often shocked to discover the real agenda of the AR organizations. This is because being an animal lover is not the same as supporting animal rights. Most people who describe themselves as animal lovers, including most scientists, are in fact supporters of _animal welfare _ rather than animal rights COPYRIGHT NOTICE The author of this FAQ is Kevin O'Donnell (kevin@embra.compulink.co.uk). Permission is granted to reproduce and distribute this FAQ providing it is copied in its entirety, including the Acknowledgement and copyright notice and provided no charge is made.
Animal Shelters Should Tell Animal
Rights Groups Show Us the Money! By Susan E. Paris President, Americans for Medical Progress For the amount of money raised and spent by U.S. animal rights groups every cat and dog in America ought to have its own condominium. Why then, do more than 15 million pets a year end up in underfunded local humane shelters with overworked staff who are frustrated that they cannot even adequately feed and care for them? And why are 11 million of these animals-three out of every four cats and two out of every three dogs- destroyed for lack of a home? The true measure of the success or failure of the animal rights movement in America ought to be the number and condition of animals in local humane shelters. Animal rights groups claim to corner the market on compassion for animals, so what more valuable a service could they provide? What more deserving an animal than one that has no home, food and medical care? Scores of news stories from around the country attest to the deplorable condition of local animal shelters. Among the problems cited: food shortages, overcrowding, open sewage pits of animal waste, rodent, ant and cockroach infestation and lack of medical treatment. At least one shelter, due to a lack of funds, had been forced to destroy unwanted animals using an old carbon monoxide chamber, or worse, because of difficulties obtaining the drug needed for a less painful death. Euthanizing an animal using carbon monoxide is considered inhumane because it is often a prolonged death which causes fear and suffering to the animal. In a 1995 direct mail solicitation, the president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Ingrid Newkirk, wrote about the condition of one local humane shelter. She noted that the animals "suffered from overcrowding, lack of regular food and water, and a failure to provide veterinary care." Newkirk wrote that, "Shelter services have been drastically curtailed to the point where ...people with animals have been turned away at the door." So what has PETA done to help these homeless, hungry and sick animals and others that suffer and die in shelters each year? According to its FY 1995 tax documents, next to nothing. Less than $5,000, or .03%, of PETA's $13.4 million budget was allocated to shelter or spay and neuter program in the U.S. 90% of the $1,485,076 PETA donated, or $1.3 million, went to itself-that is, PETA's satellite offices in Germany, The Netherlands, and England. Next to PETA's overseas offices, the next largest donation, $45,200, was sent to animal rights terrorist Rodney Coronado to help him avoid going to jail for firebombing medical research facilities. Coronado is now serving a 57 month jail sentence. The Humane Society of the United States, for its part, raises and spends close to $50 million, enough to bankroll at least one well-run animal shelter in every state and have enough left over to spay, neuter, feed and save the lives of tens of thousands of dogs and cats every year. So how many HSUS-run animal shelters benefit from the HSUS budget? None. Yet the HSUS managed to pinch enough of its precious pennies to pay its president, Paul Irwin, $237,831 and its chief executive officer, John Hoyt, $209,051 in addition to providing tens of thousands of dollars in bonuses to the pair. What programs did the HSUS fund, besides the Paul Irwin and John Hoyt "Luxury Living Fund?" Legislative initiatives to ban horse tripping. National effort to ban bear wrestling. Contraception programs for elephants and deer. Why do animal rights groups refuse to help shelter animals, who need it most? Why attack the biomedical community for working with fewer than 150,000 dogs and cats, which live in comfortable surroundings and receive the best medical care, and yet do nothing for the 11 million hungry, sick animals are destroyed in animal shelters each year? The animal rights movement's main goal is not, and never has been, to save or help individual animals. Its mission is to market its philosophy and lifestyle to the American public-a lifestyle which is predicated on the belief that the life of a rodent deserves the same moral consideration as the life of a child. This sales pitch is most effectively done through massive media events, attention-grabbing legislative initiatives and fancy Hollywood galas. Shelter animals are sacrificed in the short-term so that animal rights groups can gain the money, power and influence needed to sell their view in the long-term. Animal rights activists cannot blame researchers, hunters, circus owners, meat-eaters, fur-and leather-wearers, fishermen or zoo keepers for the sorry condition of shelter animals. It is the animal rights movement which has turned its back on the suffering of these animals. Every local humane shelter should demand that animal rights groups show them the money. And every animal rights donor should find a local humane shelter to support rather than PETA's "naked celebrity" campaign or some executive's bank account. ********************************************* A colossal portion of HSUS's annual budget is allotted to staff salaries. ******************************************** The National Charities Information Bureau (NCIB) is an excellent organization whose purpose is to be a resource on charitable giving, how charitable boards should operate, establishing standards which charitable organizations must meet to be worthy of receiving contributions, etc. Web site is http://www.give.org ) PETA did not meet the standards of the NCIB because PETA does not have a full board of directors!!! It's run by Ingrid Newkirk and about 2 or 3 others. No full board at all! ******************************************
PETA has
recently opened an animal
shelter with a high euthanasia rate in VA. Monies spent on this new endeavor do not represent a substantial portion of this organization's budget, to say the least, and one must seriously question their motives - based on their mission statements of the recent past (none of which have been re-canted) it would seem the purpose of this shelter's existence is a PR move to counter their poor reputation regarding the welfare and treatment of animals. (italicized words are my own - Marci Sudlow 8-20-00) ******************************* |
prevent suffering and cruelty to animals. And to provide care and good homes for pets in need. This often includes, but is not limited to, the funding and running of animal shelters (to provide a sanctuary for abandoned, abused, homeless, or unwanted pets, and to place them in good homes where possible, provide painless euthanasia for those that cannot be adopted, and to educate the public about the need for spaying/neutering their pets to prevent more surplus animals ending up in shelters), enforcement of anti-cruelty statutes (where their authority permits), initiating, lobbying for, and monitoring enforcement of legislation to ensure more humane standards of care for livestock, laboratory animals, performing animals, and pets. ASPCA (American Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals) MSPCA (MA Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals) NAIA (The National Animal Interest Alliance) http://www.naiaonline.org/aboutus.htm (at present there is a controversy regarding 2 of the 20+ persons on their board of directors who represent the "pet industry." Upon review of the facts, I cautiously endorse NAIA. To decide for yourself, please click on link below) http://www.angelfire.com/vt2/rutland/NAIAcontroversy.html AHA (American Humane Association) Rutland County Humane Society (This is a link to my local humane society shelter here in Rutland, Vermont. This shelter is an extremely well run, and fairly well-funded despite funding by donations alone. However most humane shelters nationwide are run on the same principles and are excellent causes to donate to, where contributions have a direct impact on homeless pets and animals in the community.) Collie Rescue League of New England (Similarly this is the dog breed rescue of which I am a member, and an example of an extremely effective such group. Similar rescue groups exist nationwide for nearly every breed of dog and for cats, and provide direct help in placing pets in need of homes) ******************************************************************************************** With great regret I report that ASPCA's most recent venture is the initiation of a lawsuit against Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey's Circus, ie "The Greatest Show on Earth," and traditionally home of some of the world's most talented and knowledgable animal trainers and historically best cared for performing animals. The lawsuit alleges training abuses and violations of wildlife laws. This misuse of money to harass this haven for exotic animals (in contrast to the poor quality of life offered by what is left of their natural environment where they are threatened with extinction by poachers and loss of habitat.) I am most distressed by this misuse of donations to fund this Animal Rights style campaign. I am not yet ready to discontinue my membership to this group, in light of the overwhelming positive accomplishments to their credit. However I am going to qualify that no portion of my donations are to be used for this misguided lawsuit, and I plan to watch their future activities carefully. On a positive note, in the wake of the World Trade Ctr disaster, ASPCA conducted an awe-inspiring endeavor of rescuing and reuniting pets with displaced owners who resided in evacuated buildings near the World Trade Center in NYC. Because ASPCA is, among other things, a law enforcement agency, their officers were permitted to escort pet-owners back into their apartment buildings, or to go on their own, to retrieve abandoned pets. ASPCA set up their mobile unit on a nearby site where all rescued pets were given a thorough check-up by a veterinarian, and in some cases held until they were deemed well enough to be released to their owners. Eye infections from the soot were treated; oxygen was given to pets with respiratory troubles, and IV fluids were administered to dehydrated animals. The percentage of successful rescues versus the very few animals lost was astounding. Also AHA was on the scene with a similar set-up to provide veterinary support for the search and rescue dogs. AHA's performance on behalf of these hard-working dogs was worthy of monumental praise. ASPCA operates a poison hotline/control center at 888-426-4435. Founded by Henry Bergh in 1866, the ASPCA is the oldest humane organization in America, and one of the largest hands-on animal welfare organizations in the world. The Society also prompted the New York State legislature to pass the country's first effective anti-cruelty law. The ASPCA headquarters in New York City houses one of the area's largest full service animal hospitals, an adoption facility, and the Humane Law Enforcement Department, which is responsible for enforcing New York's animal cruelty laws. The History of ASPCA In 1867 ASPCA operated the first ambulance anywhere for injured horses, two years before New York's Bellevue Hospital put into service the first ambulance for humans. In 1874 Bergh helped organize the first Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (SPCC) on behalf of an abused 9-year-old girl named Mary Ellen. In 1875 Bergh invented a canvas sling for rescuing horses that got stuck in the mud or fell into the river. In 1894 ASPCA assumed the job of caring for New York City's stray and unwanted animals, a function previously performed by New York City government. In 1902 ASPCA put a motorized horse ambulance into service. In 1912 ASPCA opened its first veterinary facility, a free horse dispensary. In 1916 ASPCA started a formal humane education program for school children. Raised money to help care for the 934,000 horses that served in World War I. In 1920 ASPCA advanced the use of anesthesia in animal surgery. First used radium to treat cancer in animals. In 1925 ASPCA began a weekly series of talks over the new communications medium: radio. In 1928 ASPCA expanded the humane education program with classroom demonstrations in public schools and summer playgrounds. In 1939 ASPCA inspected the 2,000 animals on exhibit at the New York World's Fair. In 1942 ASPCA took wartime emergency measures and conducted courses on care of animals in the event of air raids. In 1944 ASPCA inaugurated obedience training classes for dogs and their owners. In 1952 ASPCA began voluntary inspection of laboratories in New York that use animals for research -- the first program of its kind in the country. In 1954 ASPCA expanded its animal hospital by adding a contagious disease ward, pathology laboratory, X-ray therapy laboratory and an internship program. In 1958 ASPCA opened the Animalport at Kennedy International Airport to inspect and care for animals entering or leaving the country by plane. United States Department of Agriculture takes over this work in 1994. In 1961 ASPCA's animal hospital performed its first open-heart surgery on a dog. ASPCA acquired patents for pens for the humane slaughter of food animals and offered them royalty-free to meat packers throughout the world in 1964. Began a course to train animal handlers working for research institutions. ASPCA celebrated 100th anniversary in 1966 by renaming the hospital after Henry Bergh and presenting a gold medallion to Walt Disney for his positive depiction of animals. In 1973 ASPCA adoptions department began compulsory spay/neuter for all animals. In 1976 Dr. Gordon Robinson developed the Bergh bandage, a highly efficient design still being adopted across the country. In 1985 Government affairs office opened in Washington, DC, to monitor, initiate and lobby for legislation to protect animals. Advocated for Animal Welfare Act revisions to include provisions for the exercise of dogs and the psychological welfare of primates used in animal research. In 1992 ASPCA began promoting the adoption of retired greyhounds, administering a grant from the American Greyhound Council to help rescue groups across the country. In 1993 ASPCA along with 10 other humane organizations, initiated National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy, the first survey and census of shelter animals in the United States. In 1994 ASPCA helped to pass the 1994 New York State Animal Experimentation Bill that allows students who object to dissection to complete an alternative project without a negative impact on their grade. In 1995 after 100 years of providing animal control services for New York City, ASPCA declined to renew the contract in order to focus on national education, information and advocacy. Animated "Spokescritters" adopted by ASPCA from the Walt Disney animation studios. In 1996 ASPCA acquired the National Animal Poison Control Center, the only veterinary toxicology telephone service operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Henry Bergh Memorial Hospital inaugurated the Care-A-Van, a mobile spay/neuter clinic for the New York metropolitan area. ASPCA offers new services: mobile vet-clinic vans to bring medical care to poor neighborhoods, as well as a Companion Animal Services dept.. The mission of the ASPCA Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is to protect animals, relieve their suffering, advance their health and welfare, prevent cruelty, and work for a just and compassionate society ***************************************************** The MSPCA/AHES's seven shelters around the state take in as many as 1,000 animals per shelter per month during the busy summer season. They provide vital services such as adoptions, behavior training, humane-education programs, and spay/neuter programs. Each year more than 80,000 animals receive outstanding routine and specialty care at the MSPCA's three Massachusetts-based state-of-the-art veterinary hospitals, including Angell Memorial in Boston, one of the foremost clinical veterinary institutions in the world. In addition to investigating cruelty complaints, MSPCA law enforcement officers inspect facilities and events involving animals; testify in court; work with police and social-service agencies in animal-related cases; and speak to school and community groups about animal care and protection. History of the MSPCA 1868 George T. Angell founds the MSPCA on March 23, after reading about an event in which two horses were raced to death 1868 Angell publishes the first edition of Our Dumb Animals —the first magazine "to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves" and the precursor to today's Animals magazine 1882 The first American Band of Mercy— a group of school children who pledge to be kind to animals and to keep them from cruel usage—is formed; soon there are hundreds of Bands of Mercy across the nation 1886 First official headquarters of the MSPCA is dedicated at 19 Milk Street, Boston 1889 The American Humane Education Society (AHES) is incorporated 1890 Angell publishes the first American edition of Anna Sewell's humane classic, Black Beauty, and distributes 2 million copies free through the Bands of Mercy 1893 AHES distributes the children's classic Beautiful Joe 1909 George T. Angell dies |
A key marker to NEW LEGISLATION being advanced by Animal Rights groups is
the use of the tag "Guardian" in place of the word "Owner." This choice of wording
may sound innocuous, but it has strategic legal ramifications designed to curtail
our own rights to enjoy our relationships with our domestic animals, as pet owners,
responsible breeders, exhibitors, animal sports enthusiasts, trainers, etc. Be
SPECIAL NOTICE: If you buy pet supplies from Lambriar Animal Health Care, you may be
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Lambert, Roger
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Address: 100 Pine Street, Mahaska, KS
Phone 888-289-7871 or 785-245-3238
Website formerly at http://www.lambriar.com/
*Lambriar Animal Health Care ( http://www.lambriarvet.com/ )
Address: 101 Highway Avenue (also listed at 100 Pine Street) Mahaska, Kansas
Phone 800-344-6337
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